Time Line of Escape/Return Home - Question
OK, this is a pretty trivial question but it's bugging me so hope you can help.
I was confused about the times of day/night when Steven and Timmy escaped and when Steven was returned to his home. Clearly the escape happened late at night, and it looked like the parents were notified pretty quickly that Steven had been found. Dad wanted to go pick him up but the cops said to wait and let the cops bring him home because they were probably on their way back with Steven already. so far , so good..
But then we see Steven sleeping at a table in the police station and the sun is coming up. So it looks like they just left the poor kid there all night? Guess it could have been a very short time if it was almost morning when they originally questioned him but it still seemed not too nice. Then they had Steven i.d. Parnell and the next thing I know is that Steven is arriving home and it is night again. Where did that day go? Was I confused about it being morning when the i.d. happened or was it a really long drive or what? Did they let Steven sit around the police station for half a day waiting for a ride home while hhis parents waited for him?
I really loved this movie and the return home was such a beautiful scene (when he saw his parents for the first time, it put a lump in my throat). But the time of day really confused me.
All help appreciated.