Was Janosz a Victim, or a Villain?
I rewatched this the other day, and I remember thinking that Janosz had a very similar arc as Louis Tully in the first film. He was a villain for awhile, but only while under the supernatural influence of an evil ghost entity. Then at the end of the movie, he was back to his old self, and treated as a victim.
The only difference is that Tully was a completely different person while he was possessed or enchanted. Janosz seemed to still be himself for the most part, and he even bargained with the evil Vigo, arranging a deal where he would deliver the baby, Oscar, in exchange for Dana, with whom he was clearly infatuated even before he fell under Vigo's supernatural influence.
So in the end, would you consider Janosz a victim of evil, like Louis was, or a willing participant/villain?