The book burning speech

Always found this scene cringe worthy. First because Amy Madigan could never get Kevin Costner. Plus he looks WAY too sophisticated to be some Midwest farmer.

But really it’s the content. The whole myth of the 60s left fighting against neo-fascism yada yada. And how it’s so laughably far from the way things are today with the modern left/democrat party promoting censorship of free speech everywhere they can.

The scene really should be on the cutting room floor as it almost derails the entire movie.

A real shame because the rest of the movie is quite enjoyable. Outstanding cinematography and writing aside from the above mentioned scene.


How many midwest farmers do you know? How do looks fit into sophistication?


Ray (Costner) didn't look like a Midwest farmer, because he WASN'T a Midwest farmer. He grew up in New York, and went to school at Berkeley during the 60's. It's probably a safe assumption that he had pretty liberal views, that were much different from his neighbors and in-laws. Annie was from Iowa, and talked him into buying a farm. Not sure what he was doing prior to that.


Exactly. The opening montage alone establishes his liberal views … not outright radical, but most definitely liberal. And the book-burning speech fits Amy Madigan's character quite well. I knew more than a few people like that in the 1960s.


Since this post, the left has only gotten worse.



So are the conservative alt-right bible thumpers are trying to keep challenged books like the ones in the below link in our schools and libraries? Are the conservatives the new liberals?

Do you have a list of liberals who are threatening publishers and booksellers to see to it that books with ideas they don't like aren't printed and distributed?


OP is an idiot that can't even get the story that's established in the first 5 minutes right, let alone historic ones. And don't let me get into his shallow remarks


Turn on the news: who's trying to get books banned now, eh?


Well said!
