Suitable For A 17 year old ?

Ive seen films like Kill Bill , A Clockwork Orange, Caligula R version, Basic Instinct, I Spit On Your Grave, Inglorious Basterds


Sure, go ahead. I first saw it when I was 19.

I don't patronize bunny rabbits!!


I first saw it at 17. A resilient 15-year-old could handle it, I think, or maybe even 14. I think one should have been in puberty at least a few years before they watch this, though, because of the disturbing themes in Georgina & Albert's relationship. It might be sort of traumatizing, say, for a 12-year-old girl, who's just starting to develop sexual feelings, to watch this and be like: "Oh my God! This is what could happen to me if I get into the wrong relationship??"

Proud member of SHREWS (Society for the Honor Required of Eyes Wide Shut)


Maybe, depends on the 17 year old. On the one hand there is tons of nudity, nasty puns, and strange culinary feasts in this. On the other hand, this is one of the finest art movies of the decade. The processions, and the cinematography are a true treat. And, Albert is one of the greatest villains to grace the screen.


yeah i just saw it very good movie espically the ending and since i posted this question ive also seen the unrated version of Caligula

