How much of a part does Alex Kingston have in this as Adele?
Minor, a bit part at most. BUT, she does have a few lines of dialog and she becomes one of the victims of Albert's horrid temper.
They didn't do nuthin'. We were playin' pinochle, it's a rough game. - Sefton
Did he... I don't remember him doing anything to her apart from declaring he could replace her because she's all lips and tits.
shareSorry about the long delay, hope you read this: Adele is the one whom Albert stabs in the face with the fork.
"WHOOPSIE DAISY!!!!" - Bill the Butcher
Kingston just appears now and again as a waitress in a tight fitting red dress. She has no dialogue whatsoever. The woman who gets 'forked' (see what I did there) by Gambon is a different actress.
The memories of a man in his old age are the deeds of a man in his prime
Thanks. It's likely one I'll never see.
Thanks again,
I've seen a lot of incredibly violent and gory movies (hell I've lent a hand in several)but the scene where Gambon does that - re: the fork - remains in my memory as one of the most viscerally real violent acts I've seen in film. It's sudden, it's personal, and it's a hurt you can relate to. I remember watching an audience watching Carpenter's "Thing" back in the 80's - there were gasps and cringes, etc at various points, but the scene that made everyone react in unison, was the scene where I think it was Kurt Russell, slicing his finger with a penknife for the blood test. All the goopy gory alien stuff was all well and good, but it was unreal - cutting your finger with a penknife is something you can realistically extrapolate the feeling of.