what does it mean?

In the end of this amazing film, when Georgina is talking to michael's dead body, she is talking about how Albert kept a case of objects next to the bed, like a tooth brush and stuff, and then she starts talking about how it hurt less if she put it in herself instead of him, i know that there was something very sexual going on but it didnt really uncover much, are they saying that albert really got off to seeing Georgina shoving that stuff in her pu$$Y? I think its something a bit deaper about how maybe Albert could be into s and m with how he makes georgina dress in s and m type outfits and how he has "sex" with her.

"How dare you tell a complete stranger intement details about us?"


I think that you just answered your own question. Albert liked to hurt, torture, and humiliate Georgina. Georgina had never told anybody because she was so ashamed of it.


is that all it really is? i thought it might have ment something more but i guess not haha

"how dare yyou tell a complete stranger intament details about us?"


I know what you mean. Up until that point in the film it was really really heavily implied that Albert had been constantly abusing Georgina, but it wasn't totally spelled out. I mean, sure, the viewer sees him hurt her and humiliate her quite constantly, but if it's so bad, why doesn't she leave him? Once Georgina's lover is murdered, she confirms the suspicions about her and Albert.


I wouldn't say Albert was into S&M so much as he was just really abusive and violent. There's no implication that Albert forced her to wear anything. In fact, Albert frequently criticizes the way Georgina dresses. There are several points in the film that I could point to that suggest that her wardrobe is one of the few things Georgina has control over.
I think Albert is impotent. That's why he needs foreign objects to substitute for his penis. There's also that discussion earlyish in the film about their lack of children, and it seems like a touchy subject for Albert. Georgina says Albert isn't interested in sex ("not with women, anyway"), but it seems like he's pretty obsessed with it and his masculinity.



Spell check, dude. At least in your sig line.

This will be the high point of my day; it's all downhill from here.
