Sorry, but. . . .

I'm a film addict, I admit, and I love all kinds of films including art films, film noir, some action stuff, pure drama, comedy, etc., but I couldn't get through this. It bored me to tears. I guess Peter Greenaway is not for me. I tried to watch Baby of Macon a long time ago because I'm a big Ralph Fiennes fan, but I couldn't take that either.



Peter Greenaway has a certain style in his films. Perhaps "bored" was not the right word to use. I just hanppen to not care for his style. I really can't compare him to anybody else because I've never seen another director with the same style. I'm not saying anything bad about Greenaway, because I presume he has a huge following. He's just not for me, that's all I can say.


Curious... Fanaticita,what are some of your favorite films?

I don't patronize bunny rabbits!!




While watching it I thought, "the first half hour felt like 10 minutes!" and was engrossed throughout. Even with minimal dialogue or action, the scenes are so great to look at, I was never bored!

We've met before, haven't we?
