Couldn't get into it.
My Analogy- "This song is going to be very sexy"!!! "Why is that Carl?" "Because I say the word "Sex" in the lyrics".
This is why we get thoughtless, flashy, cheesy, computer graphic action flicks, in response and demand from movies like this. I couldn't even get past 10 minutes of this movie; maybe it got better, but I’m not waiting around too see. If I gave the benefit of the doubt to every movie that started off crappy I would have no life.
No engaging dialog, just dumb, eccentric, half way understandable, foreign guy dribble as we watch nothing, but "hit you over the head extreme drama" (Which never works with zero strategy, but bluntly forced… like this movie) all the while with a boring, LIFELESS, Non-engaging master camera shot as though we were watching a play.
So we just sit for 10 minutes and watch from far away with "ohh look, they're being violent and weird". Sorry, but you have to do more to have an effect other than just having "extremism" itself.
“It has an artistic title; they’re wearing funny costumes; they’re being violent; they’re being weird…what more do you want??
...A LOT more after 10 minutes.