MovieChat Forums > The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover (1990) Discussion > Great Fan, but having a big frustration....

Great Fan, but having a big frustration... What about you?

OK, call me nuts, but I am obsessed with one minor detail. The thing is, I appreciate this film most for Greenaway's ability to pack powerful, basic human emotions, regarding sex, death, power, pride/humiliation etc, into a very stylish and artificial form. I love this kinky mix of barbaric growling and sublime chanting. So my trouble is...

WHY, OH WHY the back of Georgina's bra is not properly done, in the first sex scene, in the cubicle, when she BJ the Lover? There is this small bit that hangs carelessly, instead of creating a firm horizontal line on the georgious back of Gorgina (sic) - this detail drives me nuts!

Everything else is so perfect (Greenaway's thing for Flemish painting, Opera, haute couture and all things minutely crafted is so obvious)!

I wonder, do you think it just slipped? I mean, can this guy overlook a thing like that?

Did you notice anything else of that sort?


LOL :-)

"I mean, can this guy overlook a thing like that?"

Maybe he can, I haven't noticed that one. Gives me a new reason to rewatch it again. Thx Buddy.

Other than that... doesn't really fit into Greenaway's eye. Or maybe it was intention, I don't know. It would have to be in connection with the mafia folks. How are they dressed? They might act the brutal and primitive way they do, maybe they're perfectly dressed. Maybe then the careless non-horizontal line would have a meaning. Separation from then group? Maybe the lover has something carelessly like that as well, which would connect THOSE two...? Maybe (probably) there's absolutly nothing to it at all.

"D-E-S-T-R-O-Y : E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G"


Dammit, why do you put this into my head?! Like the poster above me, now I at least have another excuse to rewatch this magnificent film.

All I can offer as an explanation is that the first encounter was a spontaneous one. And not to break the illusion that many men have in regard to ladies undergarments, not everything is perfect at every moment of every day. So maybe this was Georgina's 'crummy bra day.'

But you do notice how Georgina's undergarments became increasingly more elaborate as her affair progressed? Women know when to shelve the 'comfort garments' in exchange for the ones that incite passion. ;)

But I still need a rewatch just to see what it is you're talking about!

More science, less fiction.

Karlrobert Kreiten--


LOL! It seems I already made two of you, Greenaway's fans, to watch The Cook... again! I'm glad! As Borges said when asked about the books he had read: "I haven't read all that much, but I RE-READ a lot!"
I guess this works for films too!

And of course I was a bit manipulative, or at least not very explicit - I really don't think there is some important meaning to the detail mentioned (I am not a big fun of over-analyzing)!

But I do think this is one of the films that stand out because of their details and ability to punch you in the face with cinema-power, so my question was not really a question. I was just curious if this level of obsession with graphic composition of scenes is something I should get treatment for or there are other people noticing the same details... :)


Bizarrely, I had watched this absolutely magnificent film again about a month ago, and had noted the skew bra tag (before noting this thread). It seemed to me not to be out of place, but just how a woman would get dressed ordinarily. My take was that it was actually accurate, rather than those annoying movies where every detail is improbably perfect...How many girlfriends/wives have we had that shows that the exact detail in Greenaway's masterpiece is actually the way women dress when stuck in the tedium of a bad/indifferent relationship?


Precisely, I don't think this type of films allow for reality checks. I mean, sure, my girlfriend might have sometime the same less perfect bra, but I really hope she would NEVER, under no circumstances, bake me and feed me to anybody!!
(another example: I checked and her clothes never change color when entering toilets)


I just now watched this movie due to my husbands recommendation. I loved it! Will watch it again & recommend it to others! It is a pure visual feast!!

I too noticed the bra stap being off in the stall scene & thought it odd with the attention to detail I noted to that point. Now after reading the other replies I do think it was a sign of how unhappy she was & to a point uncaring with her own comfort. I cannot speak for anyone else in regards to bra comfort but that strap across the back is important to the function and can be very irritating when not aligned properly.


I loved everything, but the one thing that annoyed me is in the ladies bathroom, that they didn't have sex in the cubicle that had the red light shine onto it when the door opens. That would have added more meaning to the scene.


it's not a flemish painting...

Frans Hals was dutch, he might have been born in Antwerp and moved to Haarlem (where he later painted these men from the Haarlem's night watch ) as a kid (17th century Flanders was a dutch province) ...Belgium became independant later in the 19th century


haven't seen the movie in years....but i remember that she was a kind of "perfectionist" perhaps in the sex scenes it represents her imperfection, if the tag is that obvious. Greenaway uses a lot of symbolism in this movie.


I haven't watched it in years but I always remembered that!

"Never eat yellow snow" 
