
a blind, swordfighting, ass-whooping vietnam veteran. its pure class. and at the end they have that fight in room with the pool... its like dr no meets apocalypse now meets k-9 (god i love that film) genius, pure genius...



This is my favorite action film.

I remember seeing it as a kid, and thinking how absolutly cool it was.
I watch it now all grown-up (more-or-less) and think about how absolofraggingloutly kick-a ss it is.

No room for dancing on your precious floors you've gotta save space for all the jocks and whores.


Billy Devereaux: I get the window seat! You don't need it, you're blind!
Nick Parker: Got me there, you little prick!

Now that I did laugh at, and for that I'd agree with you of this being a great film. If some of the maudlin sentimentality was ommitted the film would have been better, but having said that there is enough satisfying sword play to keep me amused. One thing I disagree with monkeymatyr on is the merit of K-9, when I was much younger I think I enjoyed the film but I have since grown to think it is a scummy film . . . or maybe not.


Kickass movie! It was awesome back when I was 15, and it's still awesome now that I'm 28. It has all the makings of a great action flick (car chase, swordfighting, martial arts, humor, a main character you care about, a cameo by Sho Kosugi...) but, sadly, is sorely underrated... This movie used to be my all-time favorite, until Spider-Man came along (I've been a Spidey nut all my life). Still, second spot isn't so bad. :)

By the by, I never cared much for K-9...sorry.


If you guys liked this, you should check out the Zatoichi movies, on which it was based. Zatoichi is a blind swordsman in old Japan. He makes Rutger Haur look like an amatuer.



