Should be gold!

I mean, it`s directed by Ridley Scott, who is the man. And interestingly, Jan DeBont is DP, and only a year after he dazzled us with Die Hard. The score is by Hans Zimmer. Every angle is covered! Yet I didn`t even know this movie existed, until now.

Does it rock?




As action films go, this is great! I think that the people who don't like this film expected it to be a serious drama. Instead what they get is an all-out action, police thriller/ partly revenge movie... loads of style oozing out from every scene. And Douglas is so cool in the lead! If you like this sort of film then there is no reason not to like Black Rain.

They call me MISTER Jinx


Very true. Alot of people have never heard of much less seen this movie but it is great. It had a cool storyline and plenty of good actors in it. The chase scenes are wild and so are the action sequences. Its one you can watch over and over again.


Plus you have to add the exotic environment in which the plot develops.... Go for it!

Protective, Detective, Electric Eye


wile the film is quite good, its so *beep* cheezy, everyone, pretty much everything that comes out of douglas' mouth is either a cliche or some kind of racist remark, or both in some cases!


They cast the wrong person in the lead. They needed a better hard a*s actor. Mybe Kurt Russell or Sylvester Stallone. They wuld have been much better in this role.

An ok movie, but it was extremely cheezy!!



Although I love this film, I agree about the ending. Not so much the scene in the airport, but the bit with Douglas going back to the blonde woman and she says something like, "Oh, your a regular hero" or something lame like that. Another bad case of Hollywood add-on endings is Donnie Brasco, SPOILERS which should SO end with Pacino walking out the door, but it has to have some cheesy addition with Depp getting a medal and going home to his wife etc.
As for the lead, I thought Douglas was amazing, I'd much rather see him than Sly. Although Kurt Russell could have played the part in his sleep.

Overall, this film is 'gold', everything besides that minute or two at the end kicks ass, the amount of style easily compensates for the cop buddie cliches that arise now and then. Its ***** from me for entertainment, and easily one of my favourites.

The lionesses realised they killed a tofudebeest- one of the Serengeti's obnoxious health antelopes



Yeah, This film was awesome, no doubt about it. I thought Yusaku Matsuda had such a kick-a$$ performance as Sato and is indeed my favorite character in this movie. I can't belive he's dead though. He could have done other cool roles in the upcoming films. The cool thing is that his son, Ryuhei, is now acting in movies and his son is just as good. He was a perfect choice for the lead villian in this movie!

