Although I love this film, I agree about the ending. Not so much the scene in the airport, but the bit with Douglas going back to the blonde woman and she says something like, "Oh, your a regular hero" or something lame like that. Another bad case of Hollywood add-on endings is Donnie Brasco, SPOILERS which should SO end with Pacino walking out the door, but it has to have some cheesy addition with Depp getting a medal and going home to his wife etc.
As for the lead, I thought Douglas was amazing, I'd much rather see him than Sly. Although Kurt Russell could have played the part in his sleep.
Overall, this film is 'gold', everything besides that minute or two at the end kicks ass, the amount of style easily compensates for the cop buddie cliches that arise now and then. Its ***** from me for entertainment, and easily one of my favourites.
The lionesses realised they killed a tofudebeest- one of the Serengeti's obnoxious health antelopes