MovieChat Forums > Batman (1989) Discussion > Kim Basinger's daughter recently blocked...

Kim Basinger's daughter recently blocked me on Twitter

I honestly don't know why since I didn't say anything remotely negative about her mother towards her:

You are blocked from following @irelandbaldwin and viewing @irelandbaldwin’s Tweets.

I don't think that Ireland Baldwin is that hot anyway (at least compared to her mother in her prime). She's freakishly tall, she has a bunch of ugly tattoos, and she looks more like her dad, Alec Baldwin.


you must have said something she didn't like.

Someone blocked me once, and according to Twitter not one message was exchanged between us.. lol so who knows. it's kinda frustrating when you haven't got an answer.


The thing about Twitter that is most frustrating is that unless they've favored or replied the messages that you've sent to them, you have no idea if they've actually read it.


I don't use it much but I did get into a friendly argument with Neil Gaiman once, lol can't remember what we were discussing it was a few years ago now.


Haven't you been blocked before by someone else on twitter? I'd suggest not communicating with celebrities on the internet anymore. Most of them want nothing to do with their fans, anyway.

How many a$$holes we got on this ship, anyhow?!


Then quite frankly, what's the point of Twitter in the first place!? Your logic doesn't make any *beep* sense if you ask me!


I'm not having a go at you, I'm just saying, most celebrities are self aggrandizing morons. You'd be as well just following people you know or something.

Instant cassettes. They're out in stores before the movie is finished


Kim's daughter strikes me as a bit a loon anyway (then again, look at who were parents are). Recently she got beaten up by some guys allegedly (if you believe what Crazy Days and Nights suggest) because she didn't pay her drug dealers in time (she was in rehab recently after all). And then there's her "lesbian tryst" w/ some rapper named Angel Haze.


She looks more like a Baldwin brother in drag. Definitely not like her mom.

Instant cassettes. They're out in stores before the movie is finished


Taylor Swift in all seriousness, looks more like she could be Kim Basinger's daughter (or a younger version of herself) than Ireland Baldwin.


In a way, I do feel sorry for Ireland given who her parents are. Alec Baldwin is a great actor, but has a reputation for being an abusive *beep* Kim Basinger despite being one of the most beautiful women in the world, is a complete basket-case (mentally frail and ditsy) herself. There's this infamous story about how her when Alec and Kim were taking newborn Ireland home that Alec got in a huge fight w/ the paparazzi.


She is plain. It's silly that they're trying to make her the next big thing.

Ireland Baldwin has average looks and a vile personality. At least Rumer Willis is actually nice, despite her looks.


reply 22 05/17/2013

Ireland is pretty but bland. I think she resembles Alec more than she does Kim. Kim of course was drop dead gorgeous in her prime and her daughter is not even a pale imitation.


reply 31 05/18/2013

Her mother's shadow is just too big...

Kim's face is too delicate and gorgeous and Kim is super sexy, warm and fragile.


reply 42 05/18/2013

No [R13], she has Baldwin's face. She looks like a Baldwin dressed up to look like Basinger, who was a one of kind beauty.


reply 63 05/18/2013

She cannot hold a candle to her mother in the looks department. Kim had excellent bone structure, full lips and gorgeous hair and a very sexy body.

Kim is also an academy award winning actress unlike Alec Baldwin.


reply 78 05/18/2013

Ireland looks terribly desperate and not too bright. She's like the Willis/Moore girls in that she's a homely chick trying to masquerade as a hottie. I feel sorry for her because her dad probably said a lot of damaging *beep* to her as a kid. And sadly she looks like the Baldwin brothers, not like her mom.

It's funny, Kim Basinger wasn't even my favorite hot blonde in the 80s (that was Rebecca DeMornay --- HOT!). But looking back on her now, you realize she really had it in terms of sex appeal.


Ireland Baldwin also kind of reminds me of Michael Jackson daughter Paris or Olivia Newton-John's daughter. In that they're young celebrity offspring (and in the in particular in cases of Chloe Lattanzi, Demi Moore's daughters, and Ireland Baldwin, just have much more beautiful and talented mothers) who seem to have nothing going for themselves outside of engaging in odd, attention whoring (bordering on pathetic), exhibitionistic behavior.


Depends on the celebrity. I think the upper-crust types who don't even personally maintain their twitter accounts couldn't care less about talking to fans, but the lesser-known actors, singers, and other personalities are more amiable.


Ireland is probably mad that her 62 year old mother is hotter than she is:


Yikes, is that a picture of Skelator?


Probably because you're a link whoring freak.


I saw her recently on an episode of Ridiculousness. (I can't help myself, some of it is so funny.) What a boring, vapid, self-absorbed twit. She didn't bring an ounce of fun to the show. And she wore a very deep plunging neckline top that was quite unflattering and strangely inappropriate for the setting. She must not have test-worn it before the taping, because she spent the entire time fussing and pulling at it. What a dope.


reply 10 06/24/2016


That's one of the many reasons I don't do Twitter or Facebook..

Metallica + Iron Maiden + My Little Pony = Life


So you're sending messages to a fashion model who's the daughter of famous parents, you unkindly end your IMDB post by stating what you dislike about her, and you still wonder why somebody has blocked you?

Live in the real world instead of trying to contact celebrities.
If you're a celebrity, contacting celebrities would be your real world. They are celebrated for something or other, no matter how great or seemingly small.


I "unkindly" ended my IMDb post after the fact out of sheer frustration and confusion! 😔 I didn't say any of that stuff on Twitter leading up to this. Like I literally said something similar on Twitter to what I said on IMDb (are you that dense)!? You must be a *beep* condescending idiot if you're going to say that "I should live in the real world"! If you're a celebrity and you have a public Twitter account, then you're quite frankly "open season" to the "regular folks"!
