Bad Blood

In the episode "Bad Blood" did anyone else notice the person behind the door when Lou is leaving the bunk house? I remember when this episode first aired my sister and I had recorded it and when we were watching it back we noticed something moving out of the way between the cracks of the door. We watched it over and over to try and figure out what it was we saw. Now that we have the dvd's we tried to figure it out again and to me I thought it was a member of the crew sitting on one of those moving camera chair things (whatever the proper term for it is) and was in the wrong place at the wrong time and tried to hurry up and get out of the way but she thinks it was someone peeking through the cracks in door to watch them film and quickly moved out of the way. Has anyone else seen this and have a theory on what it is? (It's in the scene where Lou comes into bunk house while everyone is having dinner with the marshal and she grabs her things and leaves and as she opens the door you will see something or someone between the cracks moving from right to left) I am really curious about this cuz I tried so hard to figure it out as a young girl and had forgotten all about it until I saw it again and so the mystery is still bugging me. LOL

This is another reason why I wish there were special features such as commentaries cuz maybe then someone might have commented on it and I would know once and for all.

"If we go, go insane
We can all go together..."
~Lindsey Buckingham, D.W. Suite


Actually, it is listed in a bloopers section on one of the fan sites, though off the top of my head, I couldn't name which one. Do a google search for Young Riders bloopers, I'm sure you'll find many more.


Cool, thanks for the tip.

"If we go, go insane
We can all go together..."
~Lindsey Buckingham, D.W. Suite
