MovieChat Forums > The Young Riders (1989) Discussion > hottest young rider!!!!!!!!

hottest young rider!!!!!!!!

i really like Jimmy & Cody but Ike is the hottest!!!!!!! T.M.L.


The hottest by far was Buck!!!!!


Gotta agree with bummels1, Buck was the hottest. Not only was he very hot looking, I really loved his voice too.


OK so Kid wasn't "Hot" but I loved him just because of th way he loved Lou and wanted to care for her. I think that made him pretty good looking..
As far as Look wise Jimmy was beautiful.


I don't know about that. He was way to possessive for my liking.


The hottest always was and always will be Buck !! Gregg R was "the man" when I first watched the series and now I have my Series 1 DVD he still is !!!


Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy!!! Hands down! But I always thought Cody was hilarious!


KID and Jimmy



My favorite character was always Jimmy, but Buck was second in line.


Hi back. I found this website were you can watch clips of the Young Riders all three on webiste You will have to register but it is free. I clicked on just Young Riders and I was so shocked to find that they list it and they actually show clips of all seasons that were my favorite moments of the show. It shows when Lou and Kid are in the pond, it shows when Lou gets busted in the pond by Teaspoon and then he finds out he is actually a girl. I love the clips on the wedding of Kid and Lou. I wish they would release the last two seasons so I can buy them. I liked watching my Season 1, but my favorites are Season 2 and 3 of all time. If you find out where I can buy those two last seasons, please please let me know as ASAP. thank you.
Have a great Friday and weekend.


So, I just purchased Season 1, yay! And I have to say, Jimmy is topping my list. However, I clearly remember when I used to watch it, back in the day, I liked the Kid. My how my tastes have changed! :)


Buck, with Jimmy a very close second!!


Buck always was, and still is my favorite. I used to like the Kid second, but after watching reruns, Ike is second, then the Kid, mostly because of Buck and Ike's friendship/bromance.


Jimmy then Buck


When it first aired..definately Jimmy, but now, Buck all the way.


JIMMY HICKHOCK!! Considering I was between the ages of 8-11 during YR's run, he was one of my first TV crushes. Rewatching it again in my 30s I still swoon, though feel a bit weird considering Josh Brolin was only like, 20 at the time, lol!
