Three's a Crowd

Very good episode from the classic second season and one of the show's most mature. Different from the standard Horror fare in that it's more psychological and emotional, concerning a jealous husband with a drinking problem who suspects his wife and the family friend are cheating and he's pushed to take murderous actions about it. Notable for it's shocking ending that stays with you long after you've seen it. Just thinking about the ending can put me in a glum mood.

Very good episode and one I rate highly, even if it's more depressing than your usual TFTC fare.


The most memorable ending of any episode.


I hate that episode. The similar As Ye Sow was way better I thought.


Yes. This is also one of my favorite episodes, but really, you can't go wrong with anything from TFTC second season!


Easily one of my favorite episodes. So creepy and sad.

"Why couldn't the monkey arrange this from INSIDE the garbage can?"


It disturbed me the first time I saw it, but after knowing the ending in subsequent viewings, I keep thinking about how much time they have when he's getting murderous to freakin' tell him already. I know that want it to be a surprise, but come on.


I have to agree. What Richard did was horrible. So I don't condone his actions. But he was clearly not stable. And Alan and his Dela (I think was her name) were acting very shady.

Sure they want to surprise him. But when he's clearly that upset and getting the wrong ideas, she needed to just come out with it. It really gets me when he's in tears in bed, and laying with her. The phone rings, and he begs her to let it ring, and she still pushes him away to talk to Alan about a party.

So they were playing with fire most of that episode with a man who was clearly crazy.


I think the moment he aimed a loaded crossbow at Alan should've made it clear as day Richard is unstable and violent, and all precautions near him need to be taken.


I saw it last night. All I can say...WOW! What a unpredictable shocking ending that jolted me. A reveal that Alan has been given a part ofhim to Della to have baby when Richard can't and confirmed that they are having an affair behind Richard to explain why Alan is planning to give his money to support them. Oh...that horrible future of taking care of another man's child!! I was expecting it was all in Richard's mind and he was paranoid.. and then WHAM!!! that reveal!!


I did not like the episode, till that ending. And then i had an extreme change in my judgment. That ending makes the build up worth it.
