The Treehouse of Horror story "Homer Cubed" rips off Twilight Zone's "Little Girl Lost"
Pure plagiarism.
Pure plagiarism.
2006 episode review:
One person's plagiarism is another person's satire...
Treehouse skewered several TZ episodes to great effect. Probably half of Treehouse stories were satires of either TV shows or movies. Two of my favorites are the HAL9000 (voiced by Pierce Brosnan) and The Shining (or the Shinin' according to Groundskeeper Willie)
Don't most Treehouse of Horror stories just retell other freaky/scary stories from a Simpsons point of view? It's kind of their thing. "The Shinning" (Yes, it's spelled wrong, that's how they pronunce it as a joke), "The Raven", that one with the gremlin on the side of the bus, and numerous others.
shareBy God, you're right...and Airplane is just a ripoff of 1970s disaster movies! I am appalled!