MovieChat Forums > Rescue 911 (1989) Discussion > mock disaster with tv style

mock disaster with tv style

rescue 911 made me think of mock disaster senireos when i watched them except they put all the befor stuff when they do a mock disaster its usauly the aftermath on the tv show the responders come from where they are stashiond in a mock disaster same thing or sometimes near the accident but far away so they cant see whats going on befor the call on the tv show they have tape recorded calls in a mock disaster they use walky talkys for the 911 calls i dont know how they plan a rescue 911 episode but for mock disasters it takes for months to plan from getting the volunteer victomes or bad guys and stressed parents or what ever needid for emergincy and rescue they have to pick out the groupes that come and have extra just in case of a insodent they have them ready to go but some times they have to step out because of how less extra rescue and emergincy are availibul personal a mock disaster comity is fourmed this includes the people in charge like police chief fire cheif a ambulance crew and hospital crew another inportant group in this meeting is the moulage crew the moulage crew have the importance of making the victomes look real with makeup and teach acting skills somebody from the news and news paper some times come too and near the last meeting is the day that they have as many volunteers come in and they are aloud some times to help with seneiro ideahs then near the last meeting they come up with a final theam
mock disaster day the first that should be ariving is the victomes and moulage people so the victomes can be made up and sent to the seen where the accident or what ever thing happens then emergincy personal to be put in there staging areah befor the call to dispatch then the call and action beguins somtimes the victomes are sent to a hospital or a mock up of a hospital what i would do is have a mock hospital because its easer to get makeup off and then heres what are group did we had a lunch provided for partisapents so people can mix and mangel and find out what the emergincy people thought and others thought after that small seniros can be done too then we did awards for top saver most dramatic rescue most convincing actor or actress then its done and clean up beguins and thats it
