MovieChat Forums > Rescue 911 (1989) Discussion > Most Disturbing Episode

Most Disturbing Episode

Which episode did you find most disturbing?



Yes!!! The one with the people pounding on the door while the girl is home alone scared the HELL out of me too. What was really scary is that they played the actual call on the show and you could hear the banging in the background. This girl and her parents were also on a talk show (Geraldo or Montel) and discussed the story.

DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT EPISODE IT WAS??? I want to see it again so bad.

The other really scary one was where there was a crazy guy in the neighborhood walking around and showing his genitals to children. Then this guy goes out to shoo him away and his mom is watching from the window. Then as the son is walking back to the house the crazy guy gets out a shotgun and kills the guy, and the mom watched the whole thing through the window.

Man that show disturbed me.


The one with the people pounding on the door while the girl is home alone scared the HELL out of me too...DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT EPISODE IT WAS??? I want to see it again so bad.
I think you're thinking of "911 Baby Sitter Prowler" from Episode 205. In that one, the people never actually get into the house.

The other really scary one was where there was a crazy guy in the neighborhood walking around and showing his genitals to children. Then this guy goes out to shoo him away and his mom is watching from the window. Then as the son is walking back to the house the crazy guy gets out a shotgun and kills the guy, and the mom watched the whole thing through the window.
That was Unsolved Mysteries, not Rescue 911.


This is the only scene that really stands out in my head. I hope someone puts it on youtube.


The one where a young girl about six years old was being baby sat by her grandfather and she accidently ran through the storm door. She walked out to her grandpa and is it showed that she had a foot long shard of glass STICKING OUT OF HER HEART!!!! She passed out and you could see the glass "beating". She survived. It was amazing.


I saw one where this girl was hanging a photo frame on the wall above a window. She was on a chair or ladder but anyway she lost her balance and the upper half of her body fell out of the window. Being that it was not safety glass it did not break into a million bits; instead it broke into sharp pointed glass that was partially still mounted in the windows. Both of her arms were pretty much cut with imbedded glass right up to the bone. She was bleeding like crazy all over the place. She survived but I was like 12 years old when I saw that one and it freaked me out. I still never hang things over windows as an adult.


Oh my god I'll never forget that one!!! It still haunts me.


The episodes that disturbed me most as a kid:

A dad lights a match when there is a propane gas leak and a fireball shoots up the basement stairs and burns most of the skin and hair off the kids in the stairway.

The one where the baby got scalded in the bathtub because his sister turned the water too hot.

A robber comes into a restaurant early in the morning, makes two employees stay in the cooler, and then he shoots the manager in the neck after she gives him the money. She was coughing up blood when the paramedics got there.


The episode where young Kimberly Potts ends up in a head on collision and then her vehicle catches fire. With the door jammed and her legs caught beneath the steering wheel, she is trapped and ends up ablaze. It is only thanks to the help of two samaritans that she escaped, albeit with very serious burns.

I didn't really see it, but also the episode where a woman driving a car falls asleep and somehow ends up underneath the trailer section of an 18 wheeler.


I've not seen this episode in years and years, but I think it's about these guys who are in or on the shore of a river or lake and a big boulder comes crashing down on top of one of the guys and traps him under water.

The other is the logger who gets trapped beneath two logs when one comes crashing down. They pull him out and he screams because his back was broken

The episode where this guy is showing off at a friend's pool or his own and he dives and breaks his neck or any other episode where people jump into water and break their necks

The farmer who is bailing hay or bringing it in and a bail of hay falls on him.

I don't know if there are any episodes like this, but ones where an elevator crashes or gets stuck. I don't fear going into elevator, but for some reason I've always had this deep, deep fear of getting stuck in an elevator, being in an elevator that crashes or falling down an elevator shaft. We have this building where I live that used to be a store, now part of it is a grocery store, another part is a theatre and another part is a flee market. But anyways, there's an elevator there where you can look down into the elevator shaft because it's clear glass. The elevator only goes up one story, but I remember looking down that and shuddering. I also remember once when I was little and I was with my grandparents in another state and there was an elevator that I don't think was electronic or something, I can't remember, but I do remember you had to open a door to get inside and my grandfather or my dad lifted my brother and me up to look into the shaft.


I think the most disturbing episodes were...

1. A father and mother of 4 kids came upon a couple who had had a car accident involving power lines and they stopped to help. The man from the couple who were in the accident ends up getting electricuted and then the father of the 4 kids who was trying to help gets electricuted as well. I remember his wife saying that her husband must have thought he was still driving b/c he kept telling her to take the wheel. This was disturbing b/c the poor man didn't know what happened to him and his 4 young children saw thier dad in distress.

2. A little girl was sitting in her high chair against a glass door. As kids do, she started pushing her chair back so the front legs would be off the floor and ended up going right through the glass door. The mother freaked out what she saw her daughters bones sticking out of her side.

The best thing about the show is that most of them turn out to be happy endings. They should definitely bring back this show.

I've already tried therapy, obviously it did me no good. - UL



The one that distrubs me pretty bad is the one where the guy almost cuts his hand off with the powersaw...Just the way he*s screaming sends shivers through me.


I remember the one where a little boys hand gets sucked into the pool drain. I am afraid of drains to this day. Both in pools and hot tubs...



Yes- this was the most terrifing episode to me too, and have been scared of any type of drain since- I won't swim over a drain, I step over or walk around drains in the ground, I won't even put my foot close to the bathtub drain- I hate them!!!!


The one where the baby got scalded in the bathtub because his sister turned the water too hot.

OMGGG!! I hated that one as a kid!! I wouldn't take a hot shower for YEARS! I was so scared!!!


one episode that disturbed me was about a man reporting a live bobcat in his house i remember the growling noise on the 911 recording that scared me i think becouse iv always disliked cats




The one when this girl was stalked by a mysterious man, god I was scared, luckily she got help. I remember, if my memory serves me right, this one episode just makes me laugh just thinking about it today, like this abusive man caught his wife in bed with another man, there was a scene when the 'other' man was pulling his pants up in a hurry, I don't know I just found that funny.

"McSteamy over McDreamy. MerDer over Gizzie. Misses Addison. I Heart Christina and Dr. Bailey."


The one I remember vividly till this day, has bee years since I have seen it, where a boy was playing with a firecracker and it went off in his hand.


The one that freaked me out as a kid was when a boy got struck by lightning while standing under a tree. Every since then, I have been afraid of storms!!!


I know that these are all reanactments and everything but it looked pretty damn real! Does this show still air?

(: Colonel William Tavington = SEXY:)



Remember the one where the girl fell into the grain silo, and she inhaled all this grain and almost choked to death?


In can only remember one episode: one with a crocodile attacking a boy. Does someone remember that one?


what about the one where the kids fingers got chopped off by an axe when he was playing in the barn.....anyone remember that one?


Oh my gods, I watched that one on youtube recently and it was so awful i almost couldn't finish it. And I'm a total horror movie buff, it takes a lot to get to me. The 911 call was probably the most horrible thing i've ever heard.



the intruder, robbery, rape and child abduction segments oh and the one where the fire bomb goes off in the boy's hand.


There was one with a man who's arm was ripped off by a revolving chain that scared the HELL out of me. Also, there was one with a woman being stalked in her apartment and the guy was looking at her through the window with a creepy smile on his face.


The guy who gets his leg mangled in the roller coaster. That was a nasty episode.




For me it was the one where the kid got stuck in the escalator. I still get nervous on escalators because of it



The most scariest one to me is when a little girl gets bitten by a bunch of fire aunts..I can vaguely remember it, but I still think about it to this day. I am 21 years old now.

The world meets nobody halfway


The one with the roller coaster accident was the hardest to watch. This is the one where the guy was trying to pull the roller coaster onto the track but fell in between the coaster and track. he wound up losing his leg.

~"No Man is a Failure who has Friends"~


I remember that Roller Coaster episode and I just finished watching it on YouTube. That same coaster is still there too.

The roller coaster episode was disturbing but I think the most disturbing was the Scalding Hot water episode where the baby is burned. I still find that one hard to watch.
