MovieChat Forums > Quantum Leap (1989) Discussion > Raymond Lee cast in revival as the new l...

Raymond Lee cast in revival as the new leaper

Well you knew it wouldn't be a white dude.Hollywierds idea of inclusive means anyone but the straight white guy.Any way here's the plot they give.

"The new iteration of Quantum Leap would pick up 30 years after Bakula’s Sam stepped into the Quantum Leap accelerator and vanished, at which point “a new team has been assembled to restart the project in the hopes of understanding the mysteries behind the machine and the man who created it.”


I was excited when I heard it was coming back. I was not excited when I heard there was a new lead. God, I hope this show is about Sam - finding him, I mean - and not just a new person. People wanted this show to return for years BECAUSE of Sam.


I will hard pass on this. No Bakula = Not Quantum Leap.


Well, things change, whether we want them to or not.
Remakes in general don't interest me in any intrinsic fashion; I'm probably just as skeptical as you as to whether it will work. (Does the new MacGyver? Wouldn't know, never bothered to watch it.)
But I wouldn't expect Bakula to be the focus of a new QL. Maybe in the Al role?


It's not disappointing because he's black. It's disappointing because "I'm black" is going to be a message in every episode.

So this kinda sucks..


This very, very fun classic show that fans [for decades] wanted is now going to be wrecked and destroyed episode after episode.

I bet the the moron who greenlighted the whole project grew up in California and has never spent a night in the midwest outside of a "vacation in Montana".

Very disappointing...

More #westcoastsluts


Raymond Lee is Asian but i do agree with you. Bakula has expressed interest in a reboot for a very long time and they kept shutting him down. I suspect the motive for doing it now is to use it as a tool to tell more woke stories.


Raymond Lee is Asian

Your right. My bad. This was such a special show.

Hollywod is always evil and they're always evil and doing everything wrong.

That's why we have failed Youtube series! Comic book movie hits! and just poor judgement.
