MovieChat Forums > Quantum Leap (1989) Discussion > Justice - Sam leaps into a Klan member

Justice - Sam leaps into a Klan member

"Saying all black people are bad is as bigoted as saying all white people are good"

For today i'll say "saying all white people are bad is as bigoted as saying all black, trans, disabled people are good"


I remember that episode.


Great many of them are still relevant today


The only people saying all white people are Bad are angry, resentful white people.

Most of us are a lot more thoughtful and mature, but the ugly vocal minority needs to make their feelings known.


Bullshit, your BLM and AntiFA pals are the ones saying all whites are bad. Hell the founders of BLM said all white are sub human and defective


That there "publication" he's quoted seems like a far right melting pot of ideas where they all get together to share hate and anger and resentfulness .

Ive just read a few of the headlines and the comments below them.
