Becca is horrible!

I found the old VHS copies of my favorite Life Goes On episodes (basically any that centered around Chad Lowe's character Jesse McKenna). And OMG - Becca is horrible. Has anyone else been horrified by her when re-watching her episodes withe Jesse? I sorta wish he found a woman who was more his equal. like the art gallery manager. Oh let me count the ways:

- She tells Jesse if he weren't "so selfish" he would WANT someone to comfort her while he's sick. To give her what he couldn't! (This was the episode where they go to the ocean)

- YET when Jesse's art show flops, Becca gives him hell for talking to his art manager that night. Because she thinks she should be enough for Jesse even though she can't always be there for him.

- She brings him her acceptance letter from Brown to the hospital to very, very sick Jesse. She makes Jesse read it aloud to the entire hospital room and then announces "But I'm not going of course. I'm going to take care of you!" If she really believed that, she would have tucked the acceptance letter away and never shown Jesse.

I can keep going...but seriously, she's horrible.
