MovieChat Forums > Cops (1989) Discussion > Vice TV’s Dark Side of the ’90s tackles ...

Vice TV’s Dark Side of the ’90s tackles the copaganda of Cops

The latest episode of the Vice TV docuseries argues that because Cops showed real events but gave police departments editorial control, it "was therefore both realistic and deceptive, creating a gap between perception and reality that was epitomized by the 1991 caught-on-camcorder beating of Rodney King," says Nick Schager. "That Cops’ ratings waned as smartphones became ubiquitous, leading to unvarnished views of unsavory police conduct, is undeniable. Vice TV’s docuseries, though, only cursorily gets into the messy duality of the series (or its skewed—and some would say racist—depiction of people of color), whose cable-TV tenure ultimately ended in the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the global protests that followed. Moreover, while contextualizing the show’s legacy is important, the fact that Dark Side of the ’90s installment on Cops spends substantial time in the 2000s and 2010s underscores its general thinness."


ohhhh 100%. American media is inundated with it. whether its this, or the US army literally looking over Hollywood scripts in exchange to use their equipment. Joseph Goebbels would be proud of the level of sophistication of US propaganda.


why would the army let libturds that hate them use there equipment?


Pfffft. The hallmark of true conservatism has always been to keep a check on the power of the state. Police are the government's frontline, the gendarmes.

"Cops" was glorification of an unbridled police state. Now I'm not saying America is a police state yet. But the show "Cops" was definitely meant to whip the population into shape and accept our overlords without question. It's one-sided propaganda, no question.


next time a crackhead breaks into ur house why don't you call a libturd social worker for help instead of 911?

Back in the day, when I was on the wrong side of the law, I feared the police but always respected them and treated them as equals. They chose their path, I chose mine. If they were to catch me doing my crimes I was my fault for fucking up not theirs for doing their job. I always treated them with respect, even when having to hire a lawyer and go for interrogation I would shake their hands and treat them nicely. I was a business man breaking the law, not a gangster macho man thinking I was above it.

They would sense this general feeling of respect and let me off all my traffic infractions, many times I was pulled over with illegal substances in the car. But I would always play my cards right, earn their trust, and was never searched in my life (at least not in the USA)

people who have problems with police are dumbass low iq gangster rap listening retards who have no idea how to deal with authority. What goes around, comes around. If u treat the police like your friends, they will treat you the same way.
