
I loved this show when I was I went out and got the dvd set. and I can't believe I spent 25.00 dollars on it. It's worth about 10. It sucks..I'm one of the most sentimental ppl too. but meh. It's not as great as I remember. I'm kind of dissapointed I paid 25.00 dollars for it. It should of been much cheaper.


Have you ever heard about nostalgia?


yeah. I have. I got it bc it had that effect for me...but when I watch's just eh. I don't remember why I liked it. Kinda like an ex boyfriend. haha.


Well, you've got to understand, CDRR is rare mainly because it was made in 1989, and because it's old, it's rare, and rarity comes at a price.

Do you understand?


advice is a form of nostalgia. advice is like rescuing memories from the disposal, painting over the ugly places, and selling it for more than it's worth--class of 1999

seemed appropriate.


I completely disagree. It's MUCH MUCH MUCH BETTER than I remembered. I thought it was good, but now it's my 9th favorite cartoon ever. In fact, the only disney things better than RR are Talespin & Gummi Bears.


I've purchased the vol. 1 boxset last week, it cost me £13 and I thnk that, while it wasn't exactly value for money, it was cheaper than I anticipated. Furthermore the alignment of my interests at the moment favours the Rescue Rangers above all other US animations, I'm not sure if the effect is permament or tempory, but I'll know in a few months.


It cost me only £5.95 in ASDA and I'm really glad that I have a piece of my childhood that I can hang onto.

"When you grow up, your heart dies" - The Breakfast Club


You may have been a little bit put off by the utterly bad treatment that Disney gave to this DVD set. Even I, a rabid Rescue Rangers fan, think that the DVD set didn't got the treatment it deserved.

I concur that not every episode is good; this is mainly because 20 of the 65 episodes have been produced by another director and it's noticable.
