Birds of a Feather on DVD

I have been on to BBC about whether any further series of Birds of a Feather will be coming on to DVD - like most BBC sitcoms, like Only fool and horses, Last of the Summer wine, etc....But they have no plans to release any further DVDs, which is just so awful and doesn't make sence, especally as people are paying over the top prices for old episodes on old, secondhand videos on Ebay - surely it would be worth their while putting all the series into a box set or something...

Someone should draw up a petition and send it to the BBC!!! I would, but I have no idea how to make an online petition!!!!

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to get this classic re-released?!?


Did they give you an address to write to to suggest further series release as they did when I asked back in January. But we have the petition now so get as many people as you know to sign it!


youcan buy seeiess one on but only the first series
