Can anyone help with this?

This has nothing to do with Birds of a Feather, i just dont know where else to ask. There used to be a sitcom, either ITV or BBC 1 about a haunted house with a female ghost, she was really friendly and lived with the family. i cant remember what this show is called and when it was but it was on around the time of 2.4 children, sort of early 90s. Can anyone help? Or can anyone just nudge me in the right position of where i can look? Thanks

"You know what they say, if you cant say anything nice about a person, come sit by me."



Its not Ghostwatch. Its a sitcom.

"You know what they say, if you cant say anything nice about a person, come sit by me."



I think the programme would be So Haunt Me which was on BBC 1. It starred Miriam Carling and Tessa Peake-Jones.


That does ring a bell with me, did it have something where they kept saying "Carole with an e" ?

The next time I hafta come in here...I'm cracking skulls
