MovieChat Forums > Waxwork (1988) Discussion > R-Rated Region 1 Artisan Double Feature ...

R-Rated Region 1 Artisan Double Feature DVD...mistake?

Anyone know if the rating on the Artisan Double Feature DVD is a mistake? I haven't seen the R-rated version around for years so I was wondering if some one out there knew. All the gore was removed from this version just like the Dead Alive R version (not that these two films are comparable). Thanks.


I bought the DVD hoping it would be the unrated version, unfortunately it clocked in at 97 minutes and a few seconds. The unrated version is 100 minutes. Sigh. I guess I'll just have to stick to watching my VHS copy. But the sequel on the disc is awesome! Too bad it's all full frame.


The Region 1 DVD is the unrated version. I have the unrated laserdisc and its the same print as the DVD. The unrated version runs 97 minutes and the R-rated version runs 95 minutes. The 100 minutes listed on the VHS is a misprint.


Oops! My bad! I guess I should've have given the disc away to a friend thinking it was the R rated version, now I feel like a dork!!!


No my friend you're not a dork. Keeping the disc would have made you a dork.




This is the Rated cut. In the werewolf scene, it cuts away during the "head" scene, and the Vampire scene (with the leg) is missing a moment of gore. You can see it cuts away when the vampire leans in to take a bit from the leg.


well at this site it says its the unrared version. Go down where it says cuts.



the_digital_terror wrote: "The Region 1 DVD is the unrated version"

NO IT IS NOT! CHECK YOUR FACTS SHERLOCK! The Region 1 dvd is listed as 100 minutes but so is the Unrated VHS copy distributed by Vestron, the original production company, when the film was released for rental and sale back in 1989. The VHS copy has extended scenes of gore that are most definitely and obviously missing from the region 1 dvd release by Artisan! The mistake lies therein on the part of Artisan miss-labeling the runtime on the dvd!



I have both the unrated LD and VHS and they are the same as the DVD. 100 mins is a miss print on all releases. If you let the film run and look at the time on the DVD its 97 min same as the old LD and VHS. R-rated runs 95min.

