Is it that gory?

I've never seen Waxworks. I'm not a great horror fan, but I ADORE B-Movies. Waxworks seems great it all that gory? I tend to find splatter's too disgusting to watch. Can anybody give me a gore rating?


I'd say no. =P The scene with the vampires is, but other than that, I'd say it's pretty tame in the gore-factor.


I'd say the goriest scene is where the werewolf rips one guy's head in half.

The vampire scene is also fairly bloody.

Then there's the scene where the mummy steps on one guy's head and crushes it.


Yeah, it has its moments of being pretty damn violent.

The lovely thing about peace is both sides have to want it before anything can happen.


Its more cheesy gore than anything else. Its nothing you can't bear to watch.

**Accio Harry's virginity!**


Though while there are some GREAT gore scenes, it really isn't anything crazy. Tame by today's "R" gore standards.

"Flossing? Where did I get Munson from?" - Ish, Kingpin
