Marquis de Sade

I thought that the scene with the prostitutes wanting to be whipped in front of the Prince didn't have anything to do with the Marquis de Sade.
I mean, he tricked them into sleeping with him and preforming all of these awful deeds, they didn't actually want to do it.

But I liked the scene other than that because I think they got the entire essence of de Sade, which is how he wanted to steal the innocence from younger women.



I like how on the dvd that scene is titled "Wigs and Chains" haha

I wouldn't count on this movie to be historically accurate.

I find the whole Marquis de Sade parts really erotic and hot.


Actually it is historically correct. The Marquis de Sade was an aristocrat. He held himself well with the royals until he started to go mad. He was writing novels which were sadistic (most destroyed by his son long after his death), he seduced both men and women into prostitution. So basically he ran a whore house. He loved the whole torture/sex tabooness. Sade was a sick man that lived a long life but spent like 30 something yrs in and out of several inasane asylums.
