Heather Graham

Man, I feel like an idiot. I watched this movie for the first time in a while, during the beginning when they're doing the experiment I thought to myself "Damn, that chick playing the mother's hot, kind of looks like Heather Graham," then I read the credits at the end. I also forgot she started acting in the late 1980s.

I went to school with a kid that claimed to be her distant cousin and told me all about the story when she was excluded by her family for making Boogie Nights. I guess he was telling the truth, if so what a small world.



"But Graham is classless and cheap" This coming from a kid who discusses her very intimate grooming habits on IMDB. People who live in glass houses.......


And weird that she was only 16 when she appeared in this as a girl taking a "milkshake". I think Licence to Drive came out a couple months before this.

"If I had ya where I wanted ya, they'd be pumpin your ass full of formaldehyde!"


If you read the credits at the end, you wouldn't find her. She was unbilled for this project.


These boards are so funny! How people don't check facts before they post. You gotta get it right folks - you just gotta! Before you put it down in black and white GET IT RIGHT lol! ha! I kill me (ALF 1987)
