Tucker had the last laugh tho...

Of the 51 completed cars that were built, 49 of them are still in existence today.


The film itself says 46.


The movie was also released in 1988. The other 3 could have been found by now.


My question is who initially took possession of these cars? Were they auctioned off to compensate the investors or government? Did Tucker get to keep one for himself?

"Oh that's nice, sweetie" = Grandma's version of "cool story, bro"


they were auctioned. The Tucker family was offered one, but youngest son John said in a newspaper interview in 1988 or 89 in the Long Beach (CA) Press-Telegram that the family would have gone nuts trying to figure out who should keep it, so they also let it go at auction.


This site says 47

Nice site! Be sure to check out the "See a Tucker" page on that site. Pics and links to all in existence today, and where they are and if they are on display.
