Johanna ter Steege

I found her acting to be poor, at best. Everything her character did seemed forced: the animal game in the car, practicing French on Raymonde in the gas station, the fight with Rex. Not sure if these choices were her's or the director's but I hope she has gotten better at it over the years.


She won an European Film Award for Best Supporting Actress, so it looks like the majority of people disagree with you.


Even film acting awards are subjective.


Not foreign ones.


That's certainly a response.


So is the rest of praise she received for her role here.


Praise is subjective; spelling is not.

And that, as they say, is that.


Ooooh, because I misspelled one word.

Incidently, you enjoyed Dance of the Dead, which explains a lot.


so the praise is subjective but your opinion is objective?

(the ignore list: intracoastalcruiser, jsstyger, uglytheclown)


I never said that. The replier was attempting to tell me that MY opinion was wrong so I was setting him straight on what exactly an opinion was. I'm surprised you couldn't figure that out.



no, the replier merely stated that most opinions are that her acting was just fine. if you want to twist his pointing out the simple fact that most people like her acting into him saying you're "wrong" then that's your problem.

if you attempted to explain what an opinion was in your other posts, you failed spectacularly.

(assuming that you are the original poster, that is)


I don't think she's a good actress either.


I didn't mind her acting so much, just the occasionally clumsy writing. For example, in the scene with Raymond at the gas station, her French seems to get worse as the scene goes on. First she's able to tell him pretty fluently that she needs change and she's going to drive on the autoroute for the first time today. A minute later she struggles to say "I want to buy it" (referring to the keychain). Pretty weird and funny.

I'd ask you to play House, but you'd be a weird example for our kids.
