Remake is better!

I hate to say it, but the original is painfully boring! I mean nothing remotely interesting happens until 1:14 on to the movie. Even then, it's marginal.

Even the fight scene was anticlimactic. 3 years of tormented hell of not knowing what happened to his girlfriend, the guy approaches him, admits he the guy who took her, and the idiot fights like a complete girl!! Didn't even land a punch. At least Kiefer bear the beat outta Jeff Bridges!

Pathetic movie.


I find the original to be the better made film, but I still didn't like it. That's just a personal preference because I find it unlikely that anyone would do what Rex did. There is no way he didn't know that Raymond was going to kill him. The theory being that even though he knew this, his curiosity was stronger than his survival instinct.

Even as a psychologist,I can't say It's implausible, even though I find it unlikely. I just didn't like it. It's the appropriate and correct ending for the story and it couldn't end any other way.

The sequel was brain candy but I enjoyed it for the same reason. It was the inferior movie but I felt better after watching it.


The American re-make was truly dreadful; but what I've come to expect from that neck of the woods.

Nice happy ending with the protagonist managing to get out of an impossible situation, oh and not forgetting the great fight scene!

The original was painful to watch (as a claustrophobic, though I'm sure nobody whether claustrophobic or not, would want to die that way) and disturbed me for days. The remake was instantly forgettable.


Have to disagree. The American remake was so bloody awful and dumbed-down in typical colour-by-numbers, Hollywood fashion. However that's unsurprising, as screwing over original, well written and brilliantly executed foreign films appears to be a habit of the US entertainment industry.



I agree that preferring the remake is a sad commentary on the OP. And there have been quite a few cases of terrible American remakes of foreign films. But the "US entertainment industry" does produce a lot of good content as well.

My top 250:


Have to agree with sarangi2015. And I live in the U.S.

Dumbing-down movies so that the target demographic, who have spent most of their lives playing video games instead of reading books, ruins what could otherwise be great films. Not all of the time. Just too often, IMO.


The remake is HORRIBLE.


If someone were to ask me, "what is the best example of an American remake of a film that completely screws up the point", I would point to the remake of this film.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


I was shocked to learn that the same director directed the original and the remake.

The only thing I liked better about the remake was Kiefer's performance.



I hate the remake for two reasons:

1) The changed ending

2) Sandra Bullock

Neither of these are forgivable.


Liked the remake, but I found the original much better (more atmospheric and creepy).

"Martyr me for Cordis Die."




My advice: change your attitude to watching movies. Movies aren't there for your satisfaction. Movies aren't there to allow you to see the bad guy beaten up. Movies aren't there to keep you entertained every single minute. Movies aren't there to keep you in your comfort zone.

Many movies are there just to make you *think*. It's an old habit, and worthwhile.
