a little screw up
she says that she got a sex change after she got out of prison yet she was already a woman when she started killing can someone explain
shareshe says that she got a sex change after she got out of prison yet she was already a woman when she started killing can someone explain
shareYou are wrong. In the first movie, even though he was played by a female actor named Felissa, the character was actually a boy who was forced to dress up like a girl by his aunt. This can be evidenced in the final scene, when "Angela" is revealed to have a penis.
So even though the entire movie tries to show Angela as a girl, it turns out the killer was really a boy named Peter.
Peter was not sent to prison after the events of the first film, instead he was locked up in a psycho ward where the doctors tried their best to cure him of his murderous intentions. This included a large quantity of psychoactive drugs, electro-shock therapy and the controversial sex change that turned Peter into Angela, legit. By the actions of Peter/ Angela at Camp Rolling HIlls, we can see that they failed. Even worse, the fact that the doctors were forced to release her when she turned 21 has lead Angela to believe that she has their blessing to continue killing.
Like I mentioned in the first paragraph, the character of Peter Baker was played by a female actress named Felissa Rose. This was done, so that the shock ending of finding out she was really a he at the end would be possible.
In the beginning Phoebe says that the killer's aunt had dressed him like a girl
since age 4.He didn't go live with her until age 6.Also the huge exageration on
Phoebe's part about how many people were killed at Camp Arawak.
Well as with any teenager at camp story, they have all the facts but not all the story. Pheobe was just telling a story that really happened but obviously she didn't know every little detail so mostly she would have guessed at.
I only axed ya for a smoke - Jack Frost
True enough.There are a lot of half truths when it comes to camp storytime.The story is true but some details are not.While on subject do you think that story
was Angela's main motive for killing Phoebe?After all the story was about Angela(Not that Phoebe knew that at the time)At the same time I can see why Angela was angry about it.How would you feel if someone used your personal life
to tell a story?
I think Angela would have killed Phoebe even if she was discussing a completely different story that had happened. Phoebe basically sneaked out to be with the boys group which is why Angela would have killed her anyway, then she used abusive language to Angela which must have made Angela mad with or without the story.
I think Angela is probably proud that her murder spree from part 1 is folklore, an urban legend.
I only axed ya for a smoke - Jack Frost
First of all if that was the case why didn't she like hearing about it?Second of all what did Angela think was going to happen?The head counsellor was present and even if he hadn't been I still don't think there would have been anything to worry about.Lastly looking Angela straight in the eye and saying
"screw you" doesn't give Angela the right to be angry.Even I would tolerate that.Also I think Angela knew Phoebe was going out.The head counsellor probably
told her.
You would tolerate that perhaps.....but are you a crazed psychopath transsexual? I am sure a psychopathic schizophrenic will have less of a tolerance level than a regular 'sane' human being. It doesn't take much to make Angela angry, hell she killed Lea because she was 'going to tell'.
Now about Phoebe sneaking out to be with the boys group, I doubt TC would have told Angela that Phoebe was sneaking out, that doesn't make one bit of sense. I am sure TC would have told Phoebe to go back to her own group rather than wait for Angela to jump out of the woods just so Phoebe gets into trouble, TC was a nice guy so no way he would have delibratly got a camper into trouble.
Maybe Angela was angry at hearing the story because all the facts were not correct, if Angela is proud of her work at Camp Arowak from SC then I'm almost certain the slightest of mistakes in the facts will send her into a frenzy as Phoebe found out.
A shame Phoebe was killed so early, even though she was only in the movie for around 5 minutes I liked her.
I only axed ya for a smoke - Jack Frost
What I meant was that T.C. probably told Angela that Phoebe was going with their group before they left.That may or may not have been the case though.Angela may have been angry due to the source.Having to find out from one
of the other girls rather than from Phoebe herself.Anyway what do you think Angela would have said if Phoebe had asked her?
I think Angela would have said no, which is why the girl had to sneak out in the first place. I don't see T.C. telling Angela that she was with them because if he had told her she wouldn't have had to go looking for her in the woods. I think Angela killed her because to her it seemed she was doing something extremely wicked and sinful, in Angelas eyes Phoebe was nothing more then a "bad girl" therefor making her a "bad camper" as well.
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