I'm watching it now and I think it's good. I am just a little ways into and kinda feel sorry for her. She seems so flattered someone thinks she is pretty and the money too. Almost sounds like she had low self esteem and now that someone praises her it encourages her to keep doing it.
I know with most people you can grow up happy and normal being told you are pretty often by parents but as soon as a stranger says it then it has such more power to it. I can see how someone can get drawn into the adult business. But I'm only to the part where she is just doing photos.
I will say I have met people who have done porn movies. I met few in group therapy for sexual abuse survivors. Some survivors of abuse have sex often for money. It makes them feel more controlled over their body and sex. They have the power over something they didn't. But I know this isn't the case for Colleen.