Kinda pointless
Part II turned Rambo into an action series and went all out, with a great script by James Cameron that was packed with inventive kills and was brilliantly paced, the film clocking in at 90mins with not a moment wasted.
III just feels weak-sauce. The pacing is sluggish for the first half, the kid is unwelcome, the desert is not an environment that lends itself to elaborate kills - which are very bland for the most part. Also the villain is a crap version of Berkoff’s vastly superior Russian sadist from II.
What I did like was the idea of Trautman needing rescuing. Crenna is fantastic in the role and his buddy-cop relationship with Rambo was nice. It was also cool to have a proper big-bad-guy fight with that Russian bear, who has a spectacular death (although it made no sense that he instantly released Rambo once he pulled the grenade pins out - why not hold onto the guy and take him out with you..?)
The opening stick fight was cool, and Stallone was in peak condition, he looked great in the role.
So yeah, I just felt this film was pointless. Not terrible, but bland and a step backwards from Part II. I don’t get why they didn’t try to up the ante.
Rambo IV, however, was a great return to the character. Cranking up the violence to gorno levels, getting straight into the story, and grounding the film in very credible Burmese war crimes. I love how the peace-loving Christian missionaries don’t listen to Rambo and instantly get captured, raped and killed, and the survivors turn into bloodthirsty killers - there’s a serious message about respecting the evil out there.
Contrary to many old-school Rambo fans, I really like Last Blood. Even more brutality and the Stallone-Alone conceit was a refreshingly different take. There’s also something about latter-day Stallone that is amazing - he has enormous gravitas and presence, and he’s brutishly ugly, just a smouldering beast that you really don’t want to poke with a stick. The hell he unleashes on the Mexican scumbags at the end is glorious.