WTF?? Subtitles

The subtitles for the Afghan and Russian dialogue were ludicrous and insulting!
The prison guards: "Go. Stop. Good doggie, good Rex" and a plethora of totally unnecessary and pointless translation of action that speaks for itself.

I can't believe there are no threads here on this GLARING bit of lunacy. Certainly it's not just a feature of my particular disk... is anyone else irked by this stupid piece of editing?



I noticed this too. The original theatrical subtitles were different and not cheesy. For some reason they didn't include any Russian subtitles in the initial DVD release and then after people complained, they released the Ultimate Edition. That edition even subtitles scenes that the theatrical release hadn't, and they rewrote all of the other subtitles making them very stupid. I found it really annoying that the lines I had remembered them saying had been changed, and the new inserted subtitles were really just a distraction to what was going on in the scene.


Hilarious i was thinking the same thing. One scene we get the subtitles for the guards talking about the dogs and then the next scene the commanding officer is ordering his 2nd in command to do something and we get NO subtitles! Wtf is right.

Don't hunt what you can't kill!


I noticed this too. The original theatrical subtitles were different and not cheesy. For some reason they didn't include any Russian subtitles in the initial DVD release and then after people complained, they released the Ultimate Edition. That edition even subtitles scenes that the theatrical release hadn't, and they rewrote all of the other subtitles making them very stupid. I found it really annoying that the lines I had remembered them saying had been changed, and the new inserted subtitles were really just a distraction to what was going on in the scene.

Exactly. So odd. The original subtitles were fine. They did the important dialog, but not much of it was subtitled. Basically, they just did a couple of the Soviet commander's lines in white text.

They were still intact during that brief period when they were selling cleaned up or remastered movies of VHS, just before DVDs started getting cheaper.

Then the DVDs just didn't have any subtitles at all.

Then these rediculous things. I'm glad I still have the old DVDs because they ruin the whole sneaking-into-the-fort sequence, which is one of the darkest in the film, with these giant yellow subtitles that impart such important information as "Good dog. Did you hear something? Go. Now."
It's like a slapstick movie when they subtitle "hola" and "si"

It seriously bothers me and it bothers me that these ridiculous subtitles got onto the Blu Ray transfer.

"When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing."


I'm confused. Brownish33 mentioned that the superfluous subtitles were omitted or toned down for the Blu-ray, but Brightmidnight71 says otherwise. Which is it? I'd like to buy the Blu-ray, but if it has the same annoying subtitles as my DVD, then there's not much point.

I'm only five foot one
I got a pain in my heart

