alternate ending??

My dad says there was another ending for the Afghanistan movie of Rambo. He says he saw 1 ending where Rambo blows up a helicopter with an RPG and another one he saw last night on TV was with Rambo blowing up the helicopter by crashing into the helicopter with the Russian villain. WTF is up he is wondering if there were alternative endings




Your father is mistaken. There has never been an alternate least not one that was incorporated into the movie and shown anywhere.


There is an alternate ending on the ultimate edition DVD... Rambo drives of with Colonel and then decides to stay in Afgan, saying that he came full circle and decided that he belongs here... Not a good one, if you ask me

They never found the second dose!


I gotta say I like the alternate ending, in fact I prefer it to the released one. 1) It does not contain the cheesy exchange between Trautman and Rambo. 2) It has a resolution for the character other than simply having a light-hearted irreverence about violence. 3) Rambo 4 makes sense following this ending: he stayed in the region and endured many, many more battles and became embittered by man's savage nature and became a savage himself. The released ending doesn't lead into Rambo 4 well with him leaving with Trautman (presumably for the USA) and ready to be "just a little" soft.


I guess, that makes more sense...

I just hated to see Rambo joining the Afghanistan... Let's look at it objectively. Rambo 2 and 3 (as well as Rocky 4) are all products of Cold War Propaganda... It was weird watching Rambo 2 in Russia after the cold war was over and rooting for the American fighting Russians. Rocky 4, I am not even gonna go there... At least war is war at soldiers are expected to be brutal towards each other. Sportsmanship is a different story...
They never found the second dose! So, being raised in Russia and knowing how many young men died for nothing in Afghan (as well as many Americans died for nothing in Nam and Korea) I just hated to see Rambo join the Afghan forces. But movie is a movie...


In Rambo 2, set in Vietnam, Rambo blows up a helicopter with an RPG at the end. Perhaps your dad was watching that one.

My votes:
