Sooo funny nowdays

When you see it now, it's sooo funny. Just seeing Rambo fight alongside Afghans, who a decade later become the epiphany of evil, is a joke. Of course, you have the all time favorites yhe Russians as villains so it never gets old, especially now due to Ukranian conflict. Anyhow, Rambo read Machievelli I suppose...the enemy of my enemy is my friend.


Look up the definition of epiphany.


I have. Nr.2 proves my case.

You probably thought of nr.3 since it is the one usually considered under epiphany.


It means manifestation as in the physical appearance of. Like, Satan manifested at the séance. You're saying the Afghans somehow appeared as the literal personification of the concept of evil?


So, the US and UK armed forces are not evil? Murder is murder isn't it? War or no war.
That's what's wrong with the this world.


That's the point of my comment. This movie is such a terrible cliche now days. Russians are the ultimate bad guys and the Americans are helping the poor Mujahedin....who latter become al qaida. Same thing happened with the terrorist US and UK were rising in Syria and Lybia and now they have become ISIS.

For the absurdity of it all, I advise you to watch Charlie Wilson's the very end. (great point at Mujahedin-Al Qaida conversion)


God, you're thick. And obviously American. Afghan doesn't = terrorist any more than German = Nazi.

Please learn more or stfu.
