What's so different about the 'Ultimate Version'?
on Netflix, they have the "Ultimate Edition" of Rambo III. Does anyone know what's the difference between this & the standard DVD version of this film?
shareon Netflix, they have the "Ultimate Edition" of Rambo III. Does anyone know what's the difference between this & the standard DVD version of this film?
Was any of the goat carcass sequence deleted from the original cut or any of the other versions (DVD, Blu-Ray, TV)?
I'm now thinking that "Ultimate" signifies a change in the credit dedication over what was shown in theatres at the time.
So "Ultimate" as in "this is the final edition of this movie that we're releasing & will not re-edit or change any more of this" kind of thing. Got it.
shareIt's just uncut. Ignore the other rambling below.
'Then' and 'than' are different words - stop confusing them.
The Ultimate Edition is the same cut of the film as always. It just refers to the DVD, which had some special features like an alternate ending.
Sorry but Wrong wrong wrong...the ultimate cut is not the same cut as always at all, it had no alternate ending. it is a much better longer version which had scenes that were missing from the original rated cut.the fight in at the start was heavily censored in original cut and all weapons removed, the ultimate cut of the fight is awesome with new scenes and all weapons present, the fight is at least 2 mins longer and its brutal,in fact its easily Rambo 3,,s best fight scene, there is a scene where trautman is captured and it was heavily censored in the rated cut, again this is more gorier and you see trautmans men killed and the blood was re-edited in.there are more scenes of violence as the film goes on, people being beaten,burned etc, added scenes with more blood and more swearing,there is lots of edits added mostly action and violence...basically it turns it from a mild PG13 affair to a 18 rated film, its a much better version.if you haven't seen this version and you like the film i suggest you hunt it down as you wont be disappointed
but this ultimate version of the film is in no way the same as the original cut as suggested above..not by a million miles.
Please explain what weapons were missing in the fight at the start. They weren't using the sticks? What were they doing, swinging empty hands? You must be referring to some edited version for television. I have three copies of this movie. One on VHS, one on laser disc and the DVD from the six disc complete collectors set and they are all the same and have everything you describe as being "ultimate."
Ah, okay. Thanks for the explanation.