Dedicated to the terrorists?
This movie supports all extremest terrorists.shame on you for such propaganda.
shareThis movie supports all extremest terrorists.shame on you for such propaganda.
shareIt's all very simple. To a considerable amount of simpleminded and onedimensional, uh, individuals whoever is the enemy of your enemy is your friend. So if you have say a local crime syndicate at war with a new crime syndicate wanting to defeat them this new crime syndicate are obviously good guys for hating the same guys you hate. If a mentally deranged racist vigilante shoots up a drug-dealing gang in the ghetto he is obviously a hero that needs to be commended for his noble action.
"Dedicated to the noble people of Afghanistan." Noble?? Hahaha! Crimelords and clans rule most of the country. The finance themselves with the opium poppy they grow and which is the basis for heroin. It's a primitive Sharia law state where women are required to wear burkas, not even just hijabs (which only covers their hair).
Nobody in the high command considered them noble. They were just pawns used to make life more miserable for the Soviets in Afghanistan - an incredibly poor backwater of neither strategical nor economical importance (at least not in any legal trade). To make the public support this they were pitched as a "noble people fighting for their freedom." A large number of these Mujahideen (Islamic holy warriors) later formed Al Qaeda. The very word Mujahideen translates to a person engaged in Jihad.
In hindsight it only proved what kind of bedfellows the regime were willing to accept. History has a sense of irony alright. To think that these Muslim extremists were trained, financed and armed and portrayed as heroes is mindblowing.
For that we should be grateful to this movie. It shows how dangerous it is to see the world as a purely black-and-white affair. It also shows that you should be careful to believe your government telling you who your "friends" and who your "enemies" are. Many world conflicts were more grey than people realize. Civil wars in particular. Who was the "good guy" in Rwanda or Bosnia for instance? Naturally these weren't any conflicts which had any geopoliticial/economic ramifications for the world powers so there was no need for a "good side". In present day Ukraine however the Ukrainians are obviously the "good side". Yes, indeed. Obviously.
Beware of those trying to whiteknight some people, they have ulterior motives.
It sad when one superpower (Soviet Union) hates another Superpower (United States). Yes, this was our attempt to have revenge over Vietnam. I have the original VHS which states "Dedicated to the Mujahideen of Afghanistan" which has now been changed to "Dedicated to the Gallant people of Afghanistan"
The US was worried about Soviet influence spreading into Pakistan due to being the last of the connecting states that were still allied with the USA. Iran was lost in the 1979 Revolution and India was already an ally of the Soviets. The Great Leader Reagan decided to fund the radicals war against the Soviet Union. Regan had help for his funding by the Saudi Government, Pakistan opened up bases for the CIA to train the radicals. In the end, Reagan won praise for the Soviet Defeat without on US servicemen even being killed or money even being spent.
After the war ended, the Soviet's crumbled and the US Government had no interest in Afghanistan since. They were just happy that they were the only superpower left.
You're an idiot. The group it is dedicated to fought the Russians and later on, the Taleban.
I bet you're American. That would explain your lack of knowledge of the rest of the world.