Their age and who gets the money ?
Events in movie are in 1985.
Raymond was born in 1940-1942
Charlie was born in 1957.
( his doctor says Ray was 18 or 20 in 1960 when he was committed and Charlie was 3 y.o. in 1960 )
So, Ray is 43-45 y.o. and Charlie 28 y.o. during their road trip.
Autist person`s life expectancy is shorter than normal person`s,they are vulnerable to various serious diseases, so even if Ray lives another 20-30 years, there should be lot of money left in trust after his death . Doctor says he doesnt get a cent from trust and neither is mental institution.
How much does it cost to live in institution for 20-30 years ?
I guess lot less than 3 million dollars.This was not not very luxurious place .
Who gets the money after Ray dies eventually ( if there is any left ) ?
Charlie as his closest living relative ?