MovieChat Forums > Powaqqatsi (1988) Discussion > would you recomend it?

would you recomend it?

Just saw Koyaanisqatsi in film studies and thought it was a very beautiful and poerfull film, should i see this and also do you get a different impression if you watch the trilogy together and if so do you recomend veiwing the other two close together or with a longish gap between?

Men are from Earth Women are from Earth get over it


I had a completly different feeling the entire film. It made me think just as much, and the footage was unbelievable. I don't think there is much of a point in waiting to watch it, although my brother just felt like he was watching the same thing, so maybe it could have that effect on you as well.


I watched Koyaanisqatsi several times and loved it. I watched Powaqqatsi a few years later and hated it. Then I saw Koy at the movies followed by Pow. I enjoyed Pow more, because the soundtrack is more uplifting than Koy. I have watched Pow several times since and enjoy it more, because it has more beautiful images than Koy and because of the soundtrack. I don't think it is a better film than Koy though. You need to watch Pow many times to appreciate it I think- it is a mistake to compare the evolution of several third world countries in the same film. You have to learn how to disaggregate the images and appreciate them as individual representations of their countries and cultures.



I would certainly recommend it. Each of the Qatsi films are uniquely different. Koyaanisqatsi is a masterpiece, one of the greatest films ever made. Powaqqatsi follows admirably, with some truly great filmmaking moments, but overall it lacks a certain punch that resonated with Koyaanisqatsi. Naqoyqatsi however, has received nothing but harsh criticism, and I can certinaly see why this was the case. Reggio stated the reasons behind Naqoyqatsi quite well, and he followed through with that and in that respect, I see the film as a very opposite visually to what has been seen before. Nevertheless, the Qatsi trilogy is amazing, a record of sight and sound that will never be matched again.
