The "Godfather III" of the Poltergiest franchise
It's been a while since I've seen this movie, I remember watching it on network TV not long after it came out. But I remember thinking how cheesy and ridiculous this movie is, and what happens when you over-sequel a movie franchise. It happened with Jaws 3 and 4 and Vegas Vacation, for instance. You get a hit movie, maybe a hit sequel, and they keep trying to go with it until it's run out of steam and into the ground. One good indicator of when a movie has been over-sequeled is when none or maybe just one or two of the members of the original movie cast show up in the latest sequel. So what you get is a contrived story line in which the writers have to explain why none of the original characters are in this one.
Here's a hint, Hollywood: Not every movie needs a sequel. And not every hit sequel needs a sequel. There comes a time when you should just call it quits and count your profits.