Why R? HELP!

I saw the case of this movie at HMV the oher day,and wondered why it is rated R.If you know,please tell me.



Back when this movie was released I understand there was a rule (since changed, I've been told) that more than one utterance of "the f-word" (in any context) in a movie resulted in an automatic R-rating. It has been a while since I saw the movie (perhaps I'll watch it again someday and see for sure), but if memory serves me right, I am thinking there probably were at least two utterances of that word in the movie.


Quite afew, actually.



It is rated R mostly because of profanity. There is no nudity or depiction of sex, but there are some sexual situations (Julia Roberts seducing her man, and Lily Taylor and her husband trying to be intimate). The film should be PG-13.


I thought I remembered some movies being rated PG-13 by at least 1987.



What about "European Vacation" with Chevy Chase? There was female nudity and plenty of 4-letter words but they only gave it PG-13.


There is a little bit of swearing in it and two sex scenes ( its more before and after ) but I suppose you can count Jo Jo ( Lily Taylor ) trying to seduce he boyfriend ( Vincent D'Onofrio) as making it R rated it is a bit tame by todays standards and I think it is either a PG or 15 here in britain.




the naked tomatoes.

Hey, sprechen sie talk?


They use the F word
