It is just a movie...

This post is not directed to anyone on this board in particular. I am just ranting. Movies are for entertainment. They take us away from reality for a little while and we get to see life from another point of view. Why do people have to take a movie that is fictional and pick it apart as if it were real life. I love movies,this one included, for what they are, ENTERTAINMENT! So ease up and if your whole life revolves around finding errors in movies or complaining they are are not realistic enough, leave the theater, or your living room or in the case of some of the people on this board - your Mom's basement and go out and live real life and leave the movies to the people who want to enjoy them for being unreal... Thanks


It's what miserable people do.

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies"


A 5 year bump? Feck me that deserves a 3 month bump!


Right back atcha!

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"


A 5 year rebuttal... While some of the critiques on this board are nit picky and unreasonable, there are others that challenge the films for their style, presentation, and other cinematic elements. I think this is good feedback and an interesting discussion about an art form that really is so closely interwoven with our culture and society. I enjoy reading people's thoughts and reactions to films, even some of the unreasonable ones make me chuckle. Why come to the IMDB board and make such a statement? It's akin to going to Baskin Robbins and starting an anti-ice cream campaign.


Great analogy!

"check the imdb cast list before asking who portrayed who in movies please"
