I am portuguese

And the name is Araújo... not Arujo!


Yap agree... it is badly translated


Plus, don't they all pronounce the word "Portugese" wrong?

Everybody says "port-o-gese," but I thought it was "porch-uh-gese."

Am I wrong about this?


When they say "Portagees" (or in the local dialect paw-tuh-geez - hard G not soft such as when Daisy says, "Sure, bring home your poor, dumb Portogee girlfriend...shake up the family a little") they're using a not so nice slang term for Portugese people. Although I'm not Portugese nor do I speak the language I do know that in Italian Portugal is called Portogallo complete with the lovely rolling R's. I'm guessing that when said in Portugese by a native speaker the words for both their country and their language probably sound totally different and much prettier than they do in English.


it is in fact correctly pronounced : porch-tchu-geese. They say it wrong as well as other stuff in the movie. I am portuguese by the way.


I'm Portuguese too and I always figured that they were saying Portugee in a slang way, not seriously.

Steve Perry's real last name was "Pereira" before he changed it, I guess to be more americanized. I saw a list of famous Portuguese Americans on wikipedia, I was so shocked to see what celebrities were Portuguese or half Portuguese. Nikki Sixx of motley crue, Tom Hanks, Joe Perry of Aerosmith, the guy who played the scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, Danielle Steel... to name a few. Interesting stuff.


Ray Bolger was part Portuguese? Never knew about Tom Thanks either.


My favorite singer is Portuguese.

Steve Perry, who used to be the lead singer with Journey. They've sucked ever since he left the band.


I'm full blooded and the accurate pronunciation is Port-chu-gese.


Accurate pronunciation is "Português" from "Portugal", even if the characters were portuguese-american at least they should had pronunciate it right... Daisy in Portuguese is Margarida and the surname Araújo not Arujo.



I grew up near the Portuguese section of Newark, NJ. I didn't think the actresses in "Mystic Pizza" sounded or looked Portuguese.


They are as a matter of fact one of them is related to the family who owns Iberia.


Which one?


LOL! True. But they were Portuguese-*American* so they weren't going to 'sound Portuguese', and they don't look *that* different from some of the Portuguese girls I know, including some of my cousins. I think a lot of us were flattered at the time that Julia Roberts was playing a Portuguese character (and it's interesting that they darkened and frizzed-up her hair a bit, to make her look a bit less Anglo than usual).
