Simms' Cursing

Roberto tells Jack Noah a breakfast that the dictator never cursed but earlier in the movie when the dictator was in the limo before he died he cursed when talking about how he met Madonna Mendez. Did Roberto lie or was it a goof?


Simms said something like, "she's a hell of a dancer"

In the scene where Roberto said Simms didn't curse, Jack as Simms had said something to the effect of, "the scripts god-damn it..."

I suppose the script writers considers using "hell" as only slang while the other was actual cursing.

my god its full of stars


Neither, I suspect. Obviously the real Simms wasn't exactly the most savory character "in the dark," & what Roberto was warning Noah about was cursing in public; he'd made a really big deal about Simms being always being charming, which given his apparent real nature would be a facade only needed for public consumption.
