MovieChat Forums > Monkey Shines (1988) Discussion > This movie is terrible - what gives?

This movie is terrible - what gives?

I remember hearing about this movie - and seeing that damned monkey at various places... I remember thinking it looked scary, and remember hearing it was great.

This is a pile of crap. It's extremely slow paced. The acting is terrible - especially the lead guy, the monkey is not scary, and the death scenes are pathetic.

This movie is horrible. What gives? Why all the hype over the years. I'd rather watch Battlefield Earth again.


hahah - ok, the ending of the movie redeems it somewhat. hahahah - I haven't laughed that hard in a while.



No, it's not far from great, it really is great. This is the only other Romero film, apart from 'Night Of The Living Dead' and 'Dawn Of The Dead' that Romero succeeds in invoking a lingering feeling of dread, an uneasiness, that lasts from the first moment up until the final one.



im with you 100% on that arguement.great film,lots of tension.


Oh come on! While I liked this film a fair bit, and it most certainly doesn't suck. Day Of the Dead easily gives more dread than any Romero I have ever seen.


I don't like this style of movie, but this is so bad it is GOOD! Loved it!

What you see (and have seen) is what you get -- and have!


You've got to be kidding. This movie didn't have a shred of suspense for its entire duration. Tom Savini is given a credit for make-up effects--but none of the kills have any gore at all! The only thing he must've worked on is the 2 second dream sequence at the end.

As for feeling dread--I felt it--but only because this movie is so dreadfully boring.


Not a bad movie, but unrelenting tension? Are you serious? The movie was fun but it was far from tense or scary. It's a hard movie to take serious though, as the lead actor was so terrible, and the plot didn't make much sense (I think that was due to the poor editing though). Plus it's hard to take the monkey as a serious threat. I mean Ella sits there for several minutes just poking various spots on the girls face with the needle, which makes no sense given she wanted to kill her. Too many silly moment like that to give the movie any tension.

