FAQ #21
How long would it take Sylvia to change out of the outfit she was wearing in the car and into the outfit she was wearing at Temple House?
The paper James is reading in his dream is dated Saturday, March 19; therefore, the events in the film most likely occur on or after that date. Most likely beginning on that date, because of something Kevin said: "It'll be dark soon." Which means he was in that area close to sunset. Which would indicate Sunday, March 20. Or else he would have been there before noon. But, as it was Sunday, he would have attended Sunday morning church services then eaten lunch, and let us say therefore, he left at 12:46 p.m. As it would take him 4 hours and 5 minutes to hike to where he was trying to thumb a ride, then 2 more minutes to travel by car to Temple House, he arrived at Temple House at 4:53 p.m. James arrived at Temple House as well, but he arrived after dark or about 6:14 p.m., or about when the sun sets in that part of the world.
By various means, I can account for 27 minutes of the time between the arrival of Kevin at Temple House and James at Temple House. But, I cannot account for the other 54 minutes. Some of which must have been taken up by Sylvia changing out of one outfit and into another.
Therefore, how long would it take Sylvia to change out of the outfit she was wearing in the car and into the outfit she was wearing at Temple House?