FAQ #22

Who were the cds for? And what type of music was on them?

The cds at Temple House, who were they for? We know that snakes and humans do not hear in the same way, but if they were for her, that would clear up one of the nits in the film. That is, how was she able to be lured to D'Ampton Manor by the playing of snakecharming music?

And what type of music was on them? We know it was not snakecharming music: "That's enough of that, Kevin. That sort of music freaks me out." Nor was it likely headbanging music: "I'm not really into headbanging." What else could it be?



Thank you for the advice. Next time I do something like this, I'll try to remember it. Unfortunately, this time the advice is rather late, as I have no more questions.
